Archive for May 2013

A to B

I love the beautiful details of man. Like the smudged blue ink of numbers on this mans hand or that bald man who blindly pushes his glasses further up to try and rest them more comfortably on his whisps. I even love the deaf teenager who does not hear my 'could you move over' over her music. 

I am most enamoured with the book readers. Especially the game of throne-ers who bring their bible with them wherever they go. Well thumbed and scuffed but clearly loved they refuse to concede to this digital age of kindle bearers and iPad carriers. 

The business men who battle with their paper and its creases. The women who do their make up every morning and still get their eye liner straight. Even the homeless drunk man adds an element to the carriage, an underbelly of reality which the supposedly slick interiors cannot hide. The stains and the rubbish are metaphors for the detritus of man and our blind stumblings through this world. 
Sit back and smile, we are all alive and all of us are travelling A's to B's.

Chase the wind

The company of women has restorative powers. To be in the literal bosom of other women who share similar values, express similar desires and communally convey exuding confidence with ease is an inexplicably comforting environment for one such as myself. 

Having spent the Saturday recovering from the night before, 4 am singing Dolly Parton on a questionably cream shag pile chez moi, I headed out to the eastern suburbs. Earphones firmly plugged in I passed myself with the other train 'deros' as they are so called. Rocking up at my fellow single girls flat. The lady has it all, the chickpad, the friends and the career. We flooded her front room with wine and conversation and I began to heal. Fast forward to 2pm today & suitably re-energised after Vegemite on toast, endless cups of tea & Tim tams & I board the train to be surrounded by Richmond supporters. Families bedecked in black and yellow with grins of anticipation peeking from their dimples. The woman opposite me fiercely clicking away at a black and yellow crochet master piece - the shape of which was yet undetermined but promised to be something unique. I grinned to myself as I hid my short skirt (a confident decision the night before) beneath my long jacket. 

I love this country. It's people, it's ethos and mainly it's women. Australia is home to some ballsy ass women. Unafraid to speak their mind and assert their goals. Anything is achievable in Australia should be the country's new tourism tag line. 
Truly the modern utopia. But then I guess after being buoyed up by good friends it is natural to only see the good side. 

I blew $50 on Groceries and flew home to my dank share house. Front yard strewn with various shapes and sizes of empty red wine bottles. No Internet again and a broken keyboard. I could not write. So I fled to Samantha's pad: a well lit, high ceilinged flat with a courtyard you only see in Italian movies. And now, one glass of wine down we are chewing over life and men. The two being inextricably linked. 

Taking these moments and cherishing them is what saves you from the bitterness that comes with time and age. Stop and be grateful for the people in your life who never cease to believe and engage you. They are the people you can turn to when the universe's wind beneath your sails becomes still. Recharge, relax and re-engage. Because sometimes other people's worlds are a nice vacation from yours. You're not running away, you're immersing in other realities. When you return to your dank red wine littered world you may take a new perspective and appreciation with you - ready to chase the wind once more. 

Diary of an awkward intern

I have a PR internship. Well, a Social Media internship with a PR company. Which in my opinion is better. Don't believe me, well fine. But as far as working for free is concerned this is worth it. I am working with one of the forerunning companies in the industry, with awesome people who operate a 'No Dickhead' policy. As far as interning goes this is unheard of in the PR world. PR is known for it's dickhead-ish attitude, this company is a breath of fresh air and has changed the jaded view I once had.

Second week running and I even have a nickname; the Boob intern. Slowly beginning to get over the irony considering how well-endowed I am. Basically it's a long story involving me interviewing female colleagues on their opinions of their breasts. On my second day. Oh yes. This follows pouring a pint of water over my keyboard on my first day. As ever I am all elegance and professionalism.

At the end of the day I have succeeded, I have an awesome internship which I landed purely by chance by the skin of my teeth. I even have more work lined up the week I finish my internship. So why don't I feel like I've accomplished something? Why aren't I content? I guess because I know how long the road ahead is. And it's long. My reality is I will have to do at least one more internship whilst here in Melbourne and I will definitely have to do another in London.

Working for free in a highly paid industry, is there a keener irony. Why is it completely acceptable to expect young twenty-somethings to work for prolonged periods of time for free? Why has this become an established method of gaining employment? We live in the twenty first century where the common topic on everyones lips is the cost of living. If we are all so well aware of the costs of day to day life then why do industries encourage people at the very start of their career to bust a gut for free. We've hit the ground running but we're running on empty. We have air in our bank accounts and dust in our cupboards the majority of the time. Myself and thousands of other twenty-somethings can do nothing about it. We accept its the route to the career we are hungry for. I guess that's why I am not quite jumping for joy.

All that being said, I am honestly enjoying every second with this company. I am given responsibilities, my opinion is valued and encouraged and I am being thrown into endless new situations and environments. I come into the office each day ready to work on ten different things at once with the mantra running through my head of 'today is an investment in your future. Each day is a step closer and further along the path.' I cannot ask for more and I barely have time to really think about it. That and I don't eat anymore. HURRAH. There just isn't the time to think about lunch, never mind dinner. The only true downside is that my creative outlets have taken a serious back burner. I can tell this because my iPhone battery lasts all day. Seriously. I hardly tweet, I barely write and I haven't networked in over a week. Oh well. Find what you love & let it kill you. Bukowski you genius.

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