Archive for December 2013

A wise woman

Here's a thought, if Eve hadn't tempted Adam with a delicious apple then man would never have come to exist. That pair would still be living it up up there and our blue dot of a planet wouldn't have happened.

'Eve Tempted Adam' is another way of saying the woman had enough sense to kick his arse into gear. The show only got on the road thanks to our Eve. Think about it. 

Can you tell I have a boyfriend? Officially now. Can you also tell I've been living with him for over a month? He's everywhere, in my soap bar, the corners of the sink, on the floor of our room. He's in the empty biscuit packets in the cupboards and the half eaten unwrapped cheese in the fridge. 

And yet I've never been with someone who makes me laugh so hard. I've never met someone who has challenged me and inspired me in equal measures. Until I met him I hadn't realised that love is supposed to be a meeting of two minds. I hadn't realised that you can be met half way emotionally, it's scary, it takes you by surprise to be loved equally (most of the time) but it's wonderful. 

So as it's Christmas day, I'd like to look up at the heavens and point and say, whatever was going on up there you're a funny bugger. But rib or no rib, Eve knew what she was about and from the looks of it so was the big man. That apple wouldn't have been there if Adam hadn't needed a push in the right direction - it just took a wise woman to make the first move.

Flogging yer blogging

I've been cheating on my beloved blog with copy writing because copy writing pays - What a word slut I am.

Whilst talking to my beautiful friend Stephen who has moved to Hong Kong, I realised just how many good things have come to me thanks to my blog. How I couldn't imagine life without it and that the sheer act of writing is soo cathartic and essential to me now. I had to move to Australia to truly discover my voice in writing and I am so glad I've kept going.

I have a lot to thank my blog for. Without it I wouldn't have 'met' the wonderful RDTV team, or landed various job interviews and subsequent freelance copy writing contracts. I wouldn't have met the wonderful Kate Iselin either. 

Writing, the simple act of using wonderful words to express yourself is a timeless tradition. From the walls of ancient caves to eReaders and this Blogger app on my battered iPhone screen; man uses words to record this boggling thing around us. We believe our lives are worthy of note, of comment, but more we want to say we were here. I realise how tenuous that statement is when it comes to blogs but I do believe that my writing has made a difference. I've been told as much. 

Boasting aside, the truth is in our Gen Y world; if you haven't worked up the narcissism to start a blog then you're doing your 20s wrong. Just sayin'. 

Not to mention the therapy it saves, the career boost that comes from a well written and successful blog is surprising to say the least. A permanent and regularly updated showcase of your writing, whether you're in the media or not, a blog adds a third dimension to your cv that you shouldn't underestimate or dismiss. I'm guilty of the latter & have only now started pricing up buying my domain name - late to that party I know! 

I'm never going to be the kind of blogger who gets invited to parties or sent freebies by PRs (I wouldn't survive the irony). But I hope for every third person to stumble across my blog that they take something positive from my words. 

Be it that the blue skies are always above the clouds or that when things seem really bad they're probably just about to get a whole lot better. 

So thanks blog. I'd be lost without you. 

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