On letting the guy take the lead


So I would say I'm a pretty strong woman, in fact I would go as far to say that I am independent & head strong to a fault.
Never has this been more clearly spelt out for me than at salsa class where I have been asked, more than a few times to 'let me lead you' by my partner.

Is this a metaphor?

I'm going with it.

The fact is I don't trust any man to lead me, made abundantly clear by the fact that I still forget to step back when dancing as my partner leads.
It feels slightly wrong & submissive in a way I haven't encountered. For all you sinners who've read that nasty Grey book you may recognise that term. There's a special circle in hell waiting for us.

My question is why?
When evidently what I want most is a man to lead me, both in life & on the dance floor. Why aren't I physically and probably subconsciously open to being lead?
Am I so consumed by the exhausting task of endlessly proving myself to all an sundry that I cannot (wait for the irony here) let go?

Would it be soo bad if I stuck to the cliche of I haven't met a man who could yet?
Or would that truth be too ironic?
I possibly have & yet we have never danced together. Or been on a date. Or even have a photo together in existence. In social media terms 'we' do not exist. Isn't that a funny thought ?

If I relaxed & loosened up maybe just maybe I could get over myself & get that across body turn right that I royally stuffed up because either I was leading him or too focused on where I was going that I was out of time.
Enough of the dance metaphors.
It's confusing reading it back even for me.

As usual I need to take my own advice.

Be open to being lead, whether by a man or by others ideas. You never know where your feet may take you.