A note on passive agressive notes


Passive agression is a beautiful thing, it is the single most infuriating and hilarious method of feedback in the human arsenal. It allows for insult, vengence and a reply without you having to do more than pin a cartoon-dog-covered note to the fridge. It has the power to make you not want to go home after a day at work and even better yet it can keep you in your room in tears if you let it.

So here is my advice on how to deal with passive aggression - Don't.
Ignore the immaturity and laugh at the spelling mistakes. If you really did take the food without asking then be an adult & attempt to talk and apologise. If it's thrown back in your face then walk away. Because you are living in a communal house, shit is going to go down and people always need something to bitch about. I guess it's just your turn.

In the grand scheme of things this is just another axe in your beanstalk, another bump in the road or a curved ball out of nowehere. Just take some of that maturity you're always talking about and welly that ball back over the fence - because it ain't your problem. Also you never did like that flatmate particularly anyway so save the niceties for your friends.

Also for anyone reading this who feels their flatmates really should get more creative in the passive aggressive note department here is a valuable resource for you to pass on next time your fridge becomes a hub of indirect feedback: http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/