A to B
by Unknown
I love the beautiful details of man. Like the smudged blue ink of numbers on this mans hand or that bald man who blindly pushes his glasses further up to try and rest them more comfortably on his whisps. I even love the deaf teenager who does not hear my 'could you move over' over her music.
I am most enamoured with the book readers. Especially the game of throne-ers who bring their bible with them wherever they go. Well thumbed and scuffed but clearly loved they refuse to concede to this digital age of kindle bearers and iPad carriers.
The business men who battle with their paper and its creases. The women who do their make up every morning and still get their eye liner straight. Even the homeless drunk man adds an element to the carriage, an underbelly of reality which the supposedly slick interiors cannot hide. The stains and the rubbish are metaphors for the detritus of man and our blind stumblings through this world.
Sit back and smile, we are all alive and all of us are travelling A's to B's.