Blame the Oestrogen


Do we need things to stress over? Things to disappoint us? To teach us to demand more and accept less? Or is our lot simply that we refuse to be satisfied. 

Quite frankly I tend to roll my eyes at myself and blame the oestrogen. It's perfectly normal to not hear from you for a week and its fine if his message didn't explain enough or if you can't figure out how you're going to pay for that holiday. Things work out regardless and this is a lesson that only time can teach best. 

In the mean time keep banging against that brick wall and see how well it leaves you. My bet is if you just laughed at your need for stresses a little more often you'd start to see them for the irrational malcontent they are. Don't use others to complete you and better yet don't rely on their actions to make you happy. 

When was the last time you had time for you and what you really wanted to do today? Flick the birdy at it all and decide its better to just ignore those nagging feelings of dissatisfaction with the boyfriend's last text. Get over it. What are you doing to satisfy you? 

Blame the oestrogen & get on with it.