The London Crush
by Unknown
I have already been back in London a month. Most of which has been spent either sleeping on a friends sofa or in front of my battered cream (*grey) mac book scouring the net for either a home or a job. After many viewings of would-be drug dens & one dream adult-cream-carpeted-wooden-floored chick pad I got my dream home & I move in in under two weeks. Hurrah!
I still have to break the news to the sofa - I'm sorry but I've outgrown you, it's not you, it's me.
The job side of things is still deliciously dicey and keeps me on my hairy toes like that guy you met once who keeps dangling dinner in front of you & then cancels. I am however, rocking another PR internship, I am 'Intern Extraordinaire' once more. Another label, another chance to prove myself and give my all. I have no idea if this will be the last time I work in PR for free but I do know I'm ready. I have the experience and the edge. I am always learning, I am a Pr sponge.
So what can I tell you? What's the point to this post? That the London crush, that this do-or-die city I've been hankering after for a over a year is completely & utterly worth it. I can almost taste the future, I'm leaning forth into the wind with my tongue out, rather like a dog in a window. Attractive ano. I'm so close to achieving all I've been working towards, I just need that lucky break. How cliche.